When you feel so all alone and you know your light is dim--
Turn your face toward the SON and let your heart seek Him.

~Sarah Leathers

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Summer Fun...
Not so High School Musical Way~

Have you ever seen High School Musical 2? If you haven't, don't run out and buy it. I was just asking. If you have, then you understand what I meant when I titled this post. On High School Musical, the entire cast can sing *the first indication that something is amiss in this comparison to my summer*, the jobs appear FUN, most of the cast have perfect tans, and somewhere along the line romance blossoms! Here is how the summers do not match:
1. I cannot sing. Anna and I were singing a very off key version of our very own made-up "weed pulling song" in the 110 degree heat yesterday....
2. Our job for the first few days of summer is to hoe, pull, weed eat, and manage the "acres" of trees around the pens here at HQ. HA! It's not one of those FUN jobs...
3. My attempt at a tan resulted in painful sunburns on my arms--which I paid for dearly today. But while my lower arms are nice and cherry, my upper arms remain the "hello" ivory they have always been....so I'll STILL be mismatched! My one hope is that my arms will soon turn a lovely brown and I'll look very hot in my t-shirts that cover the upper arm so that I look somewhat uniform!! *sigh* But with the "pain" I'm in right now, my legs will stay ivory FOREVER! So if for some reason they turn brown and you see me, you'll know that my tan came from a beauty supply store!
4. BLOSSOMING ROMANCE? WHERE? *dramatic sigh* Very much unlike High School Musical 2, I am not dealing with the trials of romance in the summer months. Au Contraire, I am still singing with ANNA in the weed patch...I did see a frog though. I'm such a weinie that I refused to kiss it for my one chance at summer romance. *VERY dramatic sigh* While running errands yesterday afternoon, Anna and I joked that we had enough dirt on our faces that we had the appearance of needing a shave. I believe I discovered that there is some unwritten law that states:

"While looking your grungiest and smelling your nastiest,
you will go to town on errands and meet the most
church people and see the cutest boys."
~Some wise person somewhere

Ok, so we didn't see THAT many cute boys....but we did see several church people. *of course* So in those moments I just smiled, tucked that nasty strand of hair back into my sweaty cap, and greeted them with the most pride I could muster.

I'm trying to get started on saving up money for the upcoming college necessities~time flies and Mom assures me we need to get it done now or everything will be picked over when the time comes....and I'm reminded that money doesn't grow on weeds...
I MEAN TREES! * exhausted weeping* Well, I'd best run on. I'm filthy and my family is sitting without me...

But while I get frustrated with my sunburns, sweat in the awful heat, and face the challenges of life, I am reminded that God is supreme, still on His throne, changing my life, and never leaving. And ya know what? I think I can pull those weeds and face those people with a dirty face:
Because He lives.

God's Gal Sarah


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I just found your blog and am so glad I did! Just wanted to say hello and that I enjoyed visiting.

Lavonda Pflug said...

Oooo, Ahhhh Just LOVE those tan lines!!!! You were wearing gloves too? You give the "farmer's tan" real style! Hope it feels better soon!

Lavonda Pflug said...
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anna.elyse said...

sarah! i just found your blog, i really enjoy it. i love you lady!
this one cracked me up