When you feel so all alone and you know your light is dim--
Turn your face toward the SON and let your heart seek Him.

~Sarah Leathers

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Story of a woman who changes my life--everyday...

She married at seventeen years old. As a senior in high school, she worked hard on her grades while taking care of a husband. At nineteen, she had her first baby, a son. While some no doubt frowned on her having a family so young, this woman cared for her baby and two years later gave birth to another boy.

Nine years passed and during this time that woman and her husband listened to God's calling and began to home school their boys. This little wife kept her own lesson plans, taught each class, cared for the home, loved her husband, and stretched a shoe string budget as far as it would go--often doing without herself. Then, one day, she discovered she was again pregnant. The woman and her husband were glad, though they feared how they would raise another child on their small income. But God's grace was sufficient and nine months later He brought their third child into the world, healthy and happy--this time a baby girl. The mother continued to stretch the budget and home school her children, continuing to answer the call from God.

Two years later, another baby girl came into the family--making their family a grand total of six members. The family moved, the woman continued to stretch the budget, teach the children, and be a supportive wife. As her husband was required to work more and more weeks away from home, the women soon took on the arduous task of playing an authoritative role in the lives of her sons. Life was by no means easy. She continued to teach her children, even when she wondered how she could go on.

This woman and her husband not only raised their own children, but to help friends in a time of need, this woman also helped care for three other small children whose father battled leukemia. She played "mother" to seven children while still seeking God and following His call. She read many books, cleaned countless wounds, healed wounded souls, and broke up many a fight among rowdy boys.

If you have not already guessed, this woman is none other than my mother. She is nearly precious to me. She has graduated now three children from "Country Life Christian School" and has watched God take and mold lives for her two sons. She has played teacher, superintendent, and principal for something like 22 years. Many teachers in the school systems cannot boast of such a record.

As Mother's Day comes and goes, I wish I could give her everything in the world. She has done without so much so that I could have clothes, food, and the "little extras" that only a mother knows a girl needs. I cannot say enough to commemorate how special she is. I just thank her for being there. She was there when I needed her to teach me to read. She's been there through many a difficult time of growth in my life. She's nurtured and taught during those hormonal moments that all girls go through. She was there today when I felt disappointment and all I needed was someone to wipe the tears off my face.

Thanks, Mom. God has used you to make me who
I am today and who I will become tomorrow.
~ I hope I make you proud. ~

I love you,
Your SarahBeth


Kaylene said...

Wow, Sarah! That is a really sweet post. I'm sure it really blessed your mom. How honoring!

God bless you my friend.

Laura said...

Thank you for your sweet note on my blog. God is so good all the time. His faithfulness and goodness is neverending.
Mothers are so special and have the hardest job in the world. I am not a mother but I thank God every day for mine!
Have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I am honored!! You, Anna, David, and Jonathan have made my calling easier to accomplish--and your Dad and I look good. WE ARE THE BLESSED ONES!!!!