When you feel so all alone and you know your light is dim--
Turn your face toward the SON and let your heart seek Him.

~Sarah Leathers

Sunday, April 27, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...
(That start with "L")

Jolynn Ball gave me a letter--L--to which I must give a list of my favorite things....Here goes nothing!

1.) LOVE!
(Where would be without it?)
2.) Late nights with girlfriends talking about the cares of our relatively young lives...
3.) Lasagna (with salad and garlic bread--duh!)
4.) Leathers family members
5.) Lunch with Mom in Amarillo
6.) Lying in the dirt tank, with my eyes closed, letting the sun warm me
7.) Letters (not the e-mail kind, the type with a stamp)
8.) LifeWay Christian Bookstore (no, I'm not joking...I LOVE that place)
9.) Last days of school
10.) Letting Mom and Anna win spades against Dad and I (yes, we let them win alot!)
11.) Lifting up "off- key" praise
12.) Liking clean "chick flicks"
13.) LOL
14.) Leftovers
15.) Laughing
16.) Loving
17.) Living
So there's just a few! If you want a letter, just leave me a comment with a request--and I'll give you one. Otherwise, just leave me a kind comment anyway!
Here's the lesson over which I am feeling convicted today--
If I can't say something kind about someone, should I say anything about them at all?
Convicting food for thought!
Becuase He lives,
God's Gal Sarah


Lavonda Pflug said...

Oh I'm crushed! The letter "L", humm... Think REAL HARD now. Is there not ONE MORE thing you can think of that starts with that beautiful letter that is a "favorite?" lol ;)

Go ahead, give me a letter. I need inspiration for my blog!

Love ya,
Lavonda (hint)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
It's so nice to see you visited my blog! I look forward to getting to know you better. I like your post here -- that's a cool idea, listing your favorite things that start with a letter! God bless!
(LOVE that Wynonna song!!)

Lavonda Pflug said...

oops. Sorry 'bout that. I fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I needed inspiration for a good survey time thing for my blog, and this is it! Go ahead and give me a letter, but please not Z or Q! :) Great blog, congratulations on your college! Don't you just love God things?!

A Sister in christ

Anonymous said...

You play spades? Me too! I grew up playing in tournaments at my house. We'd have two tables going-Granny's table and the corresponding winner/loser table so that she didn't have to move. Great memories...
I could use a letter via e-mail for grins.