When you feel so all alone and you know your light is dim--
Turn your face toward the SON and let your heart seek Him.

~Sarah Leathers

Friday, April 25, 2008

A God Thang...
I got my acceptance letter from Hardin Simmons today. The letter said it was an honor to be accepted since, on average, only 40% of their applicants are accepted. Now here's the God thang-- (Texan for "thing"...) I only sent in my application about two or three weeks ago. Is that a blessing or what?! I must admit, I teared a little as I wondered where God was going to take me on this journey. I know this joy I feel inside is of Him.
Mom, Anna, and I went down last weekend and looked at the college. We loved it. If all goes as planned, I will attend there in the fall. I called Wayland and PCC and told them to cancel my account. I am SO excited. I feel like a ball being bouced up and down the court--I now look forward to my college experience. :-) Thanks for your prayers and I will update this blog later with a more substantial message!
Because He lives,
God's Gal Sarah


Jolynn B said...

Congratulations! You are one smart girl. Everyone wants you! :) Blessings as you continue your education.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! and God bless at Hardin Simmons. Don't be a stranger though-jesusfreakfbc@hotmail.com