When you feel so all alone and you know your light is dim--
Turn your face toward the SON and let your heart seek Him.

~Sarah Leathers

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Slave by Choice....
Ambassador in Chains

I've known it forever, it just struck me this week. I am a slave to Christ. Many people want to claim their "liberty" in our Savior. They believe that they can live like they want to because, after all, they are FREE. How do I know this? Because I was one of those people. I would live like I wanted to, then ask forgiveness....live like I wanted to, then ask forgiveness....live like....and the circled continued. I felt shackled. And I was--I was chained to my sin. But then I chose a new master. I was bought at the highest price.

You are always going to serve someone. You will either serve Satan--or you will serve God. You will be a slave to one or the other. The difference is this: slavery to Satan is eternal bondage--slavery to God is eternal life. We do have freedom--but our freedom comes IN Christ. You will be a slave for whomever you choose to live your life. But while we are slaves by choice, we are also ambassadors--just as Paul.

.."and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." Ephesians 6:19-20

I just stopped and prayed last night after reading that. I wondered, "Lord, am I really being an amabssador for you?" I am His slave by choice, but am I obeying His calling to be an AMBASSADOR of His word? Maybe I am the only one to whom this has great significance. But maybe, just maybe, there are more who fight each day against the chains of their master. Satan's chains bring shame, regret, feelings of worthlessness, and bondage. Christ's chains bring forgiveness, hope, an ambassadorship, and freedom. You will be a slave to someone--the question is, to Whom will you pledge allegiance?

The price of a life, Christ's life, has been laid down for yours. Just imagine, the cost was covered--all you have to do is choose Him.

A slave by choice,
God's Gal Sarah


Anonymous said...

Wow Sarah...
That was so beautiful and inspiring. I have thought about this a lot too - freedom found by being a slave to Jesus. I love the verse you shared in Ephesians.

Thank you for your amazing encouragement!


Lavonda Pflug said...

So I hear by the way of the grapevine you've checked out another school. I hope you are not stressing over it all too much. Excercise some of your "freedom" knowing that Christ doesn't pressure us to make decisions about things such as college. He gently leads IN HIS TIME. When you feel like you lack direction, feel "FREE" to sit and wait. Ahhhh, freedom to do nothing as we wait upon Him! :)

Let us not be slaves to ourselves! That's usually my temptation!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
I love your blog, and I love the song you have playing -- I am a fan of Wynonna and have never heard that one before! Your post was excellent. I would like to link to you if you don't mind, maybe after you check out my blog you'd link to me? By the way, we have a lot of the same interests! Writing books in the shower... writing poetry...
God bless,