Gaining what cannot be lost...
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~Jim Elliot
I was so glad to be in chapel this morning to be reminded of what Jim Elliot said before he gave his life to spread the gospel. It made me just stop and think...what am I hanging on to that I cannot keep, while missing the blessing God gives that I would not lose?
There is so much out there that I hang on to because I am afraid to lose it--and sometimes God says, "Woah, Sarah, you are hanging on to what you cannot keep."
LORD, give me the eyes to see what I am holding back from me to give up what I cannot keep to gain what You want to give me. Because then, and only then, will I have what I know I cannot lose.
Another favorite quote for this week:
"Whoever said happiness is gained by walking in the sunshine never danced in the rain." ~Allison's calendar
OK, yes, I'm sure some brilliant person wrote that--but I just don't know who it was. And Allison's calendar DID say it...
I didn't exactly dance in the rain this week. No, really I went and vented at the football field to get rid of some frustration and inner anger. Allison took me to the field and we splashed through puddles, skipped around the track, and ran under the metal bleachers. *which we decided later was really stupid since lightening was popping earlier in the night..but we're so smart in* But in that moment when I felt like I needed sunshine in my heart, God infinately knew that I needed to go dance in the rain--while He showered down His love and understanding in torrents.
Things are going well at Hardin-Simmons. I am thankful for every day--yes even with the test this morning that I am debating whether I passed...
Every moment is a gift, and I am now seeking how God wants me to spend those moments. He has blessed me with great friends and a busy schedule that keeps me out of trouble. I am learning and changing--while seeking to hang on to what makes me who I am. I covet your prayers...
Well, that's about all for now...
I love you all!
God's Gal Sarah
Beautiful! I needed to read this today. :o)
What CAN we keep? Really. I expect to walk through the gates of heaven completely empty handed. That way I can have both hand free for grasping the Savior!
Delete shis text plz. Sorry
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